• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Clash Royale Made the pig emote for a school chalk art contest (Credit: NotABotBTW, Icewatermelon, me)

    Clash Royale Made the pig emote for a school chalk art contest (Credit: NotABotBTW, Icewatermelon, me)

    Made the pig emote for a school chalk art contest (Credit: NotABotBTW, Icewatermelon, me)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:48 PM PST

    Maxed e barb players be like

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    We all want to see what each star level looks like on our characters before spending all our hard earned star points. If you all agree comment or like this post.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    take me back to when these deals existed

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    Ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between, the Art of the Deal

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:11 AM PST

    well thank god

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:50 AM PST

    Miracle of 2.6��

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:18 AM PST

    I'm sick of people only liking me for my massive CR rank.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:48 PM PST

    I used to live a normal, pretty quiet life. I didn't talk to many people in school, and I never talked to anyone about CR simply because I didn't think anyone cared. One day, that would all change.

    It started out as a normal day of school; I was sitting at my lunch table eating a sandwich while playing a collection day battle. I look up and accidentally make eye contact with Timmy. Uh oh. Timmy's the type of guy to harass everyone just because he knows everyone will still suck up to him at the end of the day. He's never noticed me before, so I'm unsure of what he's planning. But judging by what happened to Sam, I don't want to find out. He smiles and stands up, and I nervously put my phone away. By the time he gets to my table, I'm shaking visibly. No point in running now. "Hey meat," he says. "Who do ya think you are, the boss of this place or something?"

    "N-no Timmy," I begin to say. "It was an accident, I-"

    I'm cut off as he shoves me to the ground, and my phone falls out of my pocket. I realize that my only hope now is to dial 911. I manage to turn on my phone, but he snatches it before I can do anything else. Clash begins to reload. "Pfft, you play clash?" He says, chuckling. "I bet you're only in spooky town or so-"

    His eyes bulge as the game loads, and my master 1 rank is displayed on the screen. "H-how..." He begins to say. "How much money have you spent on this game?"

    "Around $1.50," I say, now standing back up. "I'm basically free to play."

    Timmy's skin turns chalk pale. "I-I-I..." He trails off. "...I'm sorry, o great one," he manages to say before handing me my phone and bolting out of the cafeteria.

    By this point, a crowd has gathered around me. Confused, they approach to see what all the fuss was about. One by one, they gasp in surprise.

    "How did you get that good?"

    "Can I join your clan?"

    "How many times have you used RG?"

    I decide to ignore all of these questions and instead head to my next class. However, the mob doesn't let up, and I have to call in sick to escape.

    Later that evening, I'm working on an assignment when I get a text from this girl who I sort of like. We don't talk much, and the only reason she has my number is because we did a project together once. Her text is a confession of her feelings towards me. At first, I wonder if this has to do with today's events, but then I remember that she has been sick all week, and there's no way the news could have spread to her by now. I tell her that I feel the same and we plan a date the next day. The date goes surprisingly well, and CR isn't even brought up once. Afterwards, I walk her home.

    "Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I ask as we reach her door.

    "Sure thing," she replies, "but first, we should snap a pic together!"

    I agree, and we take a photo on my phone. As I'm heading upstairs to her bathroom, I realize I forgot to bring my phone. Oh well, no big deal right? As I walk back down after doing my duties, I notice that she's gawking at something on her phone. Wait. MY phone! I run to her and grab it out of her hands. She was looking at my Clash profile.

    "What the hell are you doing?" I snap at her.

    "P-please, mr master senpai," she begs. "Just one game of 2v2?"

    It only got worse after that. I haven't been able to walk 10 feet without someone coming up to me and pleading to merely gaze upon my huge stack of trophies. I ended up having to hire a squad of bodyguards to fend off the mob of teens that follows my every move. I think someone discovered my clan because yesterday it went from a humble 20 members to overflowing in just an hour. At this point I don't think even switching schools would help, considering how fast news spreads these days.

    TLDR: my CR rank was so massive it ultimately caused my downfall.

    UPDATE: It is currently impossible to play a match, as every time I join one, 30 Spectators instantly connect and my game crashes. Going to have to make a smurf account.

    submitted by /u/ooshjoosh
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    They should make a “shhh” emote ��

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:56 PM PST

    So many times I've been BM'ed only to shut them up quick. Or if they play super toxic and you end up winning. So many scenarios where I'd use it. Maybe have the executioner or bandit doing it.

    submitted by /u/mindful_subconscious
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    [Discussion] Yall think something is up?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:45 AM PST

    200 IQ Archer plant to avoid lightning and zap ftw

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Just wanna share this boring deck. Im not even good at the game but you can defend almost everything and you keep damaging with miner and wall breakers or poison lol

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:15 PM PST

    Being F2P

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST

    I hear a lot about how being free to play is impossible if you want to progress in the game. I am a free to play that peaked 5k trophies last season as a level 10. I have every card unlocked, and started playing in summer of 2019. I feel that the game is not as frustrating as some people believe it to be. There are a lot of rants about the game being awful, and those I disagree with mostly. I do get frustrated when I face a level 13, but there are not many people like that, I also do well in most challenges and have tons of fun in the game overall.

    submitted by /u/bUTcAnYOudOThIS98765
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    [Effort Post] Miner 3.0 Guide

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    This is my first deck guide and I am going to do it on my favorite deck. The deck is miner, poison, log, electro wizard, inferno tower, valkyrie, ice spirit, and skeletons. This deck is a little difficult to pick up, but once you get the hang of it, it can be very fun to play. I will be starting with a card guide, then a single elixir guide, double elixir guide, and lastly a triple elixir guide.

    Miner - The miner is your win condition and main source of chip in your deck. You can always play your miner on the tower, because he is very cheap and always requires a response unless your opponent wants to take 500+ damage.

    Poison - Poison is your big spell and is great for killing glass canons and minion hordes. Don't poison a troop unless you will get value, or if you really need to.

    The Log - The log is your small spell. For only two elixir, it has great utility. It can kill rascal girls, princesses, and dart goblins one level higher than it. If you are playing a deck that is made to bait out your log so they can goblin barrel without you having a counter, make sure to save you log for the barrel and poison princesses or ewiz them.

    Electro Wizard - Ewiz is you main air defense and troop reset. He is very versatile and is great for DPS. If you have a surviving ewiz from a defense, miner the tower same lane as it so the miner will tank for the ewiz. If the opponent doesn't have a proper response, they will take tons of damage and possibly lose their tower.

    Inferno Tower - Inferno tower is the decks tank killer. Use it to kill golems, P.E.K.K.As, lava hounds, royal giants, giants, and even hogs.

    Valkyrie - Valkyrie is the decks mini tank. She can be used to kill glass canons, tank baby dragon damage, chop through swarms, and so much more. She can be used to tank for the miner on offense after a successful defense.

    Ice Spirit - Ice spirt is the other card reset and one of the cycle cards in the deck. It's one second stun makes it very useful for getting off that last miner swing, distract troops, and even activate the king tower.

    Skeletons - Skeletons are the other cycle card in your deck, DPS, and distraction. You can kite a minion horde to the opposite lane, pull a P.E.K.K.A away from your tower, and so much more. If you play and miner and allow it to tank for them, it will force a response out of the opponent unless they want to lose their tower.

    Single Elixir - In single elixir, just cycle skeletons in the back, ice spirits at the bridge, miners on the tower and logs. NEVER miner poisons in single elixir unless you are up so much elixir, or the opponent gives you value. If the opponent drops a golem in the back, go valk ewiz or miner ewiz the bridge to punish the opponent. Play very passive in single elixir.

    Double Elixir - In double elixir you can play a little more aggressive and start miner and poisoning. You can be a little more aggressive on defense as well because elixir advantages don't matter as much. If you absolutely have to, cycle poisons and logs to finish off the game.

    Triple Elixir - You should pray to god that the match doesn't go into triple elixir because that is terrible for slow control decks like this. All you really need to do is keep defending and spell cycling until you take the tower, or win the tie breaker. Most matches won't go into triple elixir so you won't have to worry too much.

    I hope you have learned something from this guide and try this deck out. Have fun!

    submitted by /u/The-Joshter
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    Redundant Trade Fees

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Can you change the fee charge when offering a trade? Since the trade acceptor can only take one card, there is no reason to charge coins for each maxed out card that is offered. Set a flag on the trade that is triggered once a maxed card is added and then charge it when processing the trade if a maxed card is taken.

    submitted by /u/jojojo3j
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    royal ghost has abs of steel

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST

    A lot of pros and people are considering Morten to be the best player right now. Do you agree ? Who do you think is the best ?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:37 AM PST

    Gotta save the princess.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:16 PM PST

    Trading Towers in Overtime

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:59 PM PST


    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:36 PM PST

    Considering that not much players seem to play a custom tourney at all now days, why not implimebt custom bracket tournament options? I mean CRL is literally and exactly that.. Bracket tournaments. I think it would tremendously boost the tournament usage rage and maybe eventually add a multiple clan brackets.. Seems like a good move to me for supercell to make at this point of the game

    submitted by /u/Cringz808
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    When is the chicken emote justified

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    This is what I think

    1. When you only play defensively after getting one tower

    2. When you play defensively all game and win with spells chip

    What do you guys think

    submitted by /u/anamolousdude
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    Made this clutch clone play a while back in early 2018

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:13 PM PST

    Look at the enemy

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:19 PM PST

    [IDEA] Allow leader to edit rights of elder, co-leader and members!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:12 PM PST

    I'm suggesting this because I had a co-leader for a year and he just decided to stop playing and kick everyone in my clan. Since that day, it's impossible for me to make back my clan as it once was... (2years work). So leader should be able to edit co-leader and elders rights!

    Example of things that could be edit by leader: • role can kick player lower the his rank or not • role can start war or not • role can esit descripstion or not

    Thank you for Upvotes!

    submitted by /u/MrNobodyHereToday
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