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    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    Clash Royale Two fishermen bitch-slapping a Mega Knight

    Clash Royale Two fishermen bitch-slapping a Mega Knight

    Two fishermen bitch-slapping a Mega Knight

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    This zap was so satisfying

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Got in a clan war with two clans with the same name and banner

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST

    My Desktop rn

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Pure luck? Because I had no control over the situation.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    How to fix arrows: the reason i dont think arrows are used as much is because they don’t have an ability (ie fireball has know back, zap has stun) I think it would be a good idea if you could give it the ram rider slow down ability You could also give it eqs ability but the dmg would have to be nerf

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    A giant chest of nothing

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Heal spell rework discussion - 3 viable and interesting solutions

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:27 PM PST

    Everyone knows our boi the heal spell needs a serious rework, and it's somewhat likely to get one in a coming update. It's essentially useless right now and just doesn't work as a 1 elixir card. However, I know Supercell is concerned with making it too strong in fear of it being "annoying" like what they said about zappies. So I propose the following 3 solutions for a rework that will make the card much more viable, not too OP, most importantly - more fun to play strategically.

    All stats are at Challenge Standard (level 9):

    Rework #1:

    Elixir: 5

    Healing/sec: 430

    Duration: 4 seconds

    Radius: 4

    Total Heal: 1720

    Added Effect: Your troops cannot attack while inside the heal spell. This means any attack animations are terminated once a unit gets "ticked" by the heal spell and attack animation must start over (such as sparkies charge) once a unit exits the heal spell.

    Discussion: For 5 elixir, this heal spell rework massively heals your troops, but makes them highly vulnerable in the process. Capable of fully healing cards like bowler, hog rider, or elixir golem from 1 health, it can be incredibly powerful when used correctly. On defense, you can seriously heal your counterpush before it crosses to the opponents side. On offense, you can heal your entire push, bringing all your support troops to full health and making a dent in your tank's health as well. HOWEVER, your opponent has a chance to take advantage of this and strike because troops are unable to attack during the 4 seconds the heal spell is working its magic (if enemies or a crown tower are in their range, they stand in place waiting to attack until the spell wears off). Big risk/reward card. Costs the same as a prince or graveyard in terms of elixir so this rework needs to be quite powerful. This would have a place in tank push decks that use a lot of support cards like bowler, witch, executioner, etc.

    Rework 2:

    Elixir: 3

    Healing/sec: 112

    Duration: 8 seconds

    Radius: 4

    Total Heal: 896

    Effect: Slows down your troops movement speed while they are inside it.

    Discussion: This long-lasting boi is poison's less-evil stepbrother. This card heals at the exact same rate that a crown tower does damage, meaning an opponent needs to answer it if used on cards like musketeer and flying machine, or risk taking a lot of damage. The slow effect helps your troops get the full benefit of the heal, and does not affect attack speed. This is a safer bet for a rework than option 1, which is way more risk/reward oriented. Opponents can no longer ignore very low health troops as they cross the bridge, as this card paired with a musketeer, witch, or others will counter all crown tower damage for a full 8 seconds. This heal spell would see use in a variety of decks and could allow you to do a ton of damage if used properly.

    Rework 3:

    Elixir: 2

    Healing: 675

    Duration: Instant, thrown like snowball (but significantly slower - about goblin barrel speed)

    Radius: 2.5

    Discussion: This one would require a bit of animation/coding rework by Supercell, but wouldn't be too difficult to do given that it can use some code from snowball or similar cards - with the throw speed slowed down a lot. This heal spell is thrown in a glowing ball with enough time to give your opponent a chance to react to it just like goblin barrel - moving just a tiny bit faster. But when it hits, it's blast of magic does some serious healing, healing 2/3 of a hog rider's health and fully healing many support cards. This heal spell must be aimed carefully to ensure you hit your troops with it if they are moving, as it only has the radius of a snowball and the throw speed is slower. This could allow for some sick plays if your opponent is low on elixir, but if not it's possible for your opponent to kill a low health troop before the heal spell hits it! (With a card like zap). This is an exciting choice for a rework as well and at 2 elixir, would fit into many popular decks.

    @Supercell, feel free to use any of these ideas, tweak the stats, etc. I'd love to see this card reworked as it has the potential to be an exciting card that could even have a place in the meta if reworked correctly. I've been playing this game since launch (with 11,873 wins) and have a decent grasp on balancing, what works, what doesn't, what's OP, etc, so I hope these ideas help you out!

    Oh yeah, and while I'm here, add "likes" to clan chat. It would help make clan chat more personable/fun/interesting, you could "react" to something someone posted 25 messages ago even if the conversation has moved on to show them you thought it was a good comment/funny etc, and many, many other benefits. I'm sure everyone has had a time when they've thought "wow, wish I could like that comment" in clan chat. Bonus: let people react to messages with emotes they've purchased. Would further incentivize buying expressive emotes.

    Hope this post was helpful! Let me know all of your opinions on these reworks, what changes you'd make and which one of these you feel is the best.

    submitted by /u/Niitro
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    Pass Royale is worse the lower in trophies you are? (Me 5100 trophies on the right, my brother who just started on the left)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:25 PM PST

    The META for 2v2

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Made a card. Probably needs a higher elixir cost though.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:11 PM PST

    Clutch magic archer play to force OT on the way to win 18 in the new season tournament

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Constructive criticism: The reason balance changes go wrong

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    I am very doubtful that any of the recent mistakes was on purpose - after all, keeping things balanced is better for the long term of the game. I believe they are genuine. But it pisses me off. I get it, the community knee-jerks their reactions and their predictions aren't much better than the dev team itself, but when you simply put things on paper, these things are often just crystal clear.

    I like the balances, the things that are buffed or nerfed, the stats that are changed and the direction they go. But there's one thing I darn hate about them. Their size. If we are going to be getting 6 balances a month now, I want them to at least go right and not have to be revisited the following months.

    Tweet by Seth. I'd agree if balances didn't go to the extremes every single month.

    Let's just look at the balance changes that objectively went wrong since seasons were introduced.

    Season 1: Inferno Tower lifetime -25%

    Nice, so after Inferno was bad for a while, you gave it a 3% hitpoints buff. Then it was good for a while, and you gave it this 10-ish % nerf. That's not how nerfs should be handed out for cards that have demonstrably been in a bad place for a long time. Inferno hasn't been touched since and right now sits at a 30% win rate on royaleapi with most players and pros admitting it is bad.

    Season 2: P.E.K.K.A. range was buffed by 0.85 tiles and hitpoints nerfed by 9.5% (she was awfully strong that month)

    I won't blame for this one, and I honestly don't know why the community and even pros reacted the way they did, thinking she would be weak. Imagine Musketeer's range was buffed by half a tile, people would think it's crazy. But then PEKKA's melee range is buffed by 0.85 tiles, and suddenly it does not matter because "she is melee and she remains melee". BUT, even then, why make PEKKA attack with the sword's foible? It looked wrong.

    Season 3: Fisherman cost -1, damage -11%

    Not gonna talk about Executioner, but rather this one. Of course, something was majorly wrong with it. Fisherman was a card that wasn't that awful, just pretty bad. Either way, judging the buff, it was something like:

    • 4 to 3 was a total 25% buff, plus extra versatility and use cases. I'd argue more on the 30-35% side.
    • 11% damage nerf is less than an 11% total nerf. The hook made for about 50% of the card, so it was more like a 6% nerf.
    • So, fisherman received a 25% buff

    Like, come on. Should I really explain that a 25% buff is too much on nearly every occasion? At least they learned their lesson... or did they?

    Season 4: Wall Breakers cost -1, damage -9%, mass +100%

    ... Just seriously?

    • 3 to 2 was a total 33% buff, plus a bit more versatility for the new situations when playing them is worth it. I'd call it a 40% buff.
    • They probably got so many more connections thanks to the increased mass that it evens out with the damage nerf.
    • So, wall breakers received a 40% buff

    I get it they were bad, but why would you think giving out a 40% buff was a good idea? Now in season 5 they received a 25-ish % nerf and seem balanced. Seth, don't tell me you are using this successful big nerf as evidence that massive changes are the way. Having a massive buff is what went wrong in the first place.

    Season 4: Fisherman damage -6%, hitpoints -5%

    This actually went wrong the other way, and I can kinda get behind it going wrong, but. There were level 12 Fishermen in the top 200. Those have 9% less damage and hitpoints. Going halfway of that should have evidently not been enough.

    Season 5: Witch splash removed, hitspeed -20%, first spawn 2.5sec slower, mass +100%

    Nerf percentages are fundamentally harsher than buffs: for example, if you buff something by 25%, the reverting nerf would be only 20%. Well, let's judge this one!

    • Hitspeed -20% and splash removed: overall can be considered a 25-ish % DPS reduction overall
    • Slower first spawn: Witch usually stayed around to create about 4 waves of skeletons. 2.5sec slower first attack means that'd be reduced to about 3.65 waves if we can even quantify. Moreover, the first wave was usually the most important. Something like a 10% nerf here
    • The mass increase is kinda like a range decrease. The pushing allowed Witch to get in attack range faster
    • About 20% nerf total

    Come on, you shouldn't casually hand out 20% nerfs to cards even if they are strong. Go with something like 10% next time. Unless...

    Season 5: Elixir Golem total hitpoints -10%

    Again not massive, but with even level 12 Elixir Golems finishing at top 100, I would argue it should have been obvious the nerf should have been a little bigger.


    Honestly, I would love the balances if this thing didn't go wrong every time. Because of being so careless about handing out big nerfs and buffs, things just stay imbalanced. I don't know if this is a goal or anything, but I am sure there will always be balances to do even if aiming for the sweet spot every month. So please no more 20+ % buffs and nerfs. The only ever it didn't go wrong was (arguably) Bomber.

    submitted by /u/Mew_Pur_Pur
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    Presenting... the LumberTHAD

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    After 3 years as a free to play, I finally have a maxed out deck. Good luck gamers

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST

    They said it cannot be done

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I love beating Mad Kings

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:15 PM PST

    Everyone is running valkyrie and executioner. This is probably the best deck to compete with the current meta. Dual lane. Got 11-3 on classic with this deck. If your afraid of tanks replace knight with mini pekka.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:40 PM PST

    Customize 4x4 emotes section instead of just 8!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    I thought I lost it for sure

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:50 PM PST

    how to make the enemy cry

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    Best positive elixir trade with rocket (witch+ebarb)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    200 iq bandit plays spent 5 elixir for him to waste a Pekka. Who says 3m bridge spam is dead? ������‍♀️

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:56 PM PST

    one of the opponents i had was in this clan #coochiesquad

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:45 PM PST

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