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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Clash Royale My suggestion to improve the quality of teammates in 2v2 quick match

    Clash Royale My suggestion to improve the quality of teammates in 2v2 quick match

    My suggestion to improve the quality of teammates in 2v2 quick match

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:30 AM PST

    We don’t do that here.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST

    [IDEA] Allow the player to select the deck to face in training camp. This will help players improve their plays against hard counters.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    Don’t we all love the clan chat?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    Witch (don't mind the yellow at the corner its just pacman)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:38 AM PST

    My team mates during a 2v2

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:10 PM PST

    Just made top 1000 US for the first time ever! I just wanted to share with you all since no one I know cares.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    I've been playing Clash since the grand launch and finally get to see my name on the local leaderboards.

    Love everyone in the Clash community and wanted to thank everyone as I would never have gotten this good if not for reading about strategy here!

    Proof: SN - Mater User#yy89juoj

    I finally got this high with a deck I have never had maxed before this season

    Fully Maxed towers and cards: PEKKA Furnace Zap Poison Dart Goblin Bats Royal Ghost Miner

    I'd be happy to answer questions or just chat clash!

    submitted by /u/anklecankle
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    Is it just me or is this a big waste to pay for this?��

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Finally made it to 4K trophies on my level one account!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    My opinion on the state of the game.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:47 AM PST

    When you look at reddit or twitter. Pretty much the only thing you see is people complaining about the balance changes, the bad meta and begging for gemrush. I have been playing since january 27 of 2016, when the game was still in beta. Ever since then, there has been a lot of changes to the game and I think people don't realize how much better it has become.

    So here is an example. 1st of january this year, I had 20% gold progress and was playing almost 3 years. Now we are less than a year later and it has more than doubled, sitting at 44%. Yes, I bought all the passes, but overall I have been spending less money than the first couple years.

    There are so many more ways to improve quickly, as a f2p, or as someone who is willing to spent a couple dollars now and then. Remember trade tokens weren't a thing for a very long time. I remember buying 8 logs in the shop to get it from lv.3 to 4 (11 to 12 for those who weren't around back then). Now you can easily trade, max a deck as a f2p and do good on ladder if you master that deck. This way, you can get 100 gems each month. For free.

    Yes I know, the meta changes, definitely the last 2 months. But it's nowhere near as annoying as some meta's in the past. There used to only be balance changes every 3 months or so. Now we have monthly balance changes so when there is an annoying meta, it's never gonna last longer than a month. If some of you have been playing in 2017, you all know the goison meta ruling the game for multiple months. And still, people complain and ask for midseason or biweekly balance changes.

    I get people are asking about where gemrush has gone because supercell never said they were going to stop doing it. But at the same time, I don't think it's correct. I play about one classic challenge a day on average and my gemcount goes up, rather than down. This means we get over 10 gems per day on average, which is 300 gems per month! When they did gemrush there were far less ways to get rewards. Now you get the ladder bounties, 34 crownchests and a legend chest a month and almost nonstop challenges with a free entry. All for free.

    Overall I think the game is in it's best state ever. I have never been more passionate about it and I think this had to be said.

    Very interested to here what you all think about the state of the game.

    Cheers, have a great sunday, clash on and have fun!

    submitted by /u/Spaceboss_11
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    When emoting costs you the game.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    [Math Royale] A F2P breakdown of all gold earned in a month by Activity

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:13 PM PST

    I thought I would do something a little different and track all sources of gold for a month. Then I would break it down by activity and see which activities yield more gold, and which one yields less gold. This is from a F2P perspective so I did not include the Pass Royale in this. However, if you did buy Pass Royale, you are getting approximately additional 200k gold-equivalent per month.

    And by the way, the total calculated gold was over 730k gold-equivalent per month (gold-equivalent assumes all cards are converted to gold). Almost half the gold you will earn is from clan wars and special challenges!

    Amongst the special challenges, most of the value will come from the 100-gem re-entry challenge that usually occurs on the first weekend each month

    So here it is: from Highest-yield activities to lowest-yielding activities:

    1. Clan wars - 26%
    2. Special Challenges - 24%
    3. Trophy Road (assume 6000 trophies reached) - 16%
    4. Daily Crown Chest - 12%
    5. Free gifts and chests: 10%
    6. Donations - 7%
    7. Chest opening - 5%

    Here is the link of my speadspreadsheetsheet and its calculations: Click Here

    Credit to user Royal Slush, as I used his calculations for some of this.

    To be clear, there are certain things that are highly variable. One month your Quest reward may be awesome but not so the following. I also made a few other assumptions which are noted on the spreadsheet.

    I hope there are people who will find this is helpful!!

    submitted by /u/hpeter2010
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    E barbs

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    I'm not level 13 yet but I still collect these star point things, I can use the ones I collect once I reach level 13 tho right? Or do they just disappear?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    That’s why you put the lightning in the corner

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:09 PM PST

    [Effort Post] An unbiased view on the state of the game.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    BEFORE we start off I would just like to say that in this post, I would like to try and cover everything that is happening as of right now in the game. I will try and point out the faults in the player base and the developers. I will inevitably add my own opinion in this post but will try and reduce it as much as possible. I understand that I might be wrong in some of my opinions, but I am just trying to make people aware of what is happening and so if I screw up, well sorry.

    Now that we got that sorted out, let's begin.

    I've played this game for around 2 to 3 years now. Personally, when I look at community complaints, I have mixed feelings about them. I think right now, the game is in a decent state. The gem rush was definitely great, and I too wish it was in the game, but the amount of gems we get now is definitely greater than the amount of gems before. It's like losing a dollar and finding 5 dollars on the street. Trade tokens. I think people forget about just how good these are and how hard it was to upgrade cards before.

    Speaking of gems, this leads to my next issue. I don't really understand why the 100 gems was split up to 40 in master and 60 in champion, but it doesn't really bother me. Of course, it does matter a lot and I'm sure people have valid reasons why they need the extra 60 gems however. I wish that Supercell could come right out and say 'hey, we need to tone down the rewards a little bit, and so we decided to do this and that.' Bam, case closed. When Supercell tries to be sneaky and do things that we notice but they don't tell us beforehand, it opens up unnecessary conspiracy theories that could easily be avoided. Then, a while later, they tell us that 'oh hey there are still 100 gems so we aren't doing anything.' Yeah, no. Sorry but I think most of us can see that another reward has been replaced by the splitting of the 100 gems. They are shooting themselves in the foot for being sneaky like that.

    Moving on to the meta. I like the monthly balance changes, a lot. It adds a half-fresh element into the game, (I'll cover that later). To add, the developers here have been pretty open on what they are doing most of the time, a lot more than most other games (I know that this has been covered before but I just want to let people appreciate what they have). Sure, some metas have been questionable, like the elixir golem witch wall breaker meta. I believe that Supercell makes some cards like elixir golem and witch overpowered and nerf them next month simply for a quick buck. The community has a right to be angry. After all, what's good about having monthly balance changes, if they just make the game more stale?

    Furthermore, Supercell is just way too sneaky with us. I already covered the trophy road issue above. I'm about to cover many problems about 'value' in the game and try and make people aware of Supercell's marketing tactics. The '50 heals for 200 gems' offer, sorry Supercell, but I don't feel bad for you when the community complains about this. 500 gems for 5 dollars, is that really worth it anymore? They make the gems in the shop expensive on purpose so that when special offers come out, they can brag about the '3x' value it has. Heck, I haven't even looked at the gold to gem value, I'm sure whatever special offer is offered I can bet is LESS value than the actual gold-gem ratio.

    However, about the community, if you're f2p, I would say your opinion means less to Supercell than the players who spend money. Why? Because whether they have you or not, it doesn't matter to them. They don't need people who don't help them in some way, and I don't blame them for not giving f2p players even more rewards. There needs to be some incentive to want to spend on the game.

    Lastly, I want to ask a few questions about what is happening right now. Why add new cards, like elixir golem, when there are terrible cards needing reworks right now? Saw this on a post earlier and would like to make people aware. I'm assuming it is to bring the interest of pros back, but why not rework a few cards while adding new ones? Barb hut? Heal? Bomb Tower? (I think wizard should stay the same, they need one card like him, and if it needs a rework, I would say decrease his damage to like 2 shotting goblins or something and make him 4 elixir, as to not kill musketeer). But about the above cards, the dev team says they're working on it, but not many bad cards have been reworked so far. What happened to the zappies rework, did they think we would forget about it? And clan wars, it's been a while since they said that clan wars would be getting a rework, and we are still waiting. Personally I don't get why it takes a long time for a rework, but I'm not a game dev so I wouldn't really know. This issue by itself isn't too bad, it's just after each balance change, I feel bored again. If I want to progress, I have to wait for the next challenge to come up and after I finish the challenge there isn't much I can do to progress and get better. I understand that no one is forcing me to play the game, it's just I think it would help stop people from quitting.

    Alright, thanks for listening to my opinions on this, feel free to comment below and I'll try to respond.

    (If this post looks like a rant, it's not. I've just tried to make people aware and hopefully Supercell aware of what is happening right now.)

    submitted by /u/Bloodkxck9696
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    [ASK] How difficult is Grand Challenge for an average player?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:21 PM PST

    I am an above average FTP player, playing since global launch, PB ~ 6600. But I have never entered a GC once, I have heard they are very difficult as most players playing it are Pros. I have finished multiple classic challenges but never had the guts to invest 100 gems in a GC.

    I would like to know:

    How often do you guys play GC?

    What is the difficulty level in GC, is it similar to a global tournament 12+ win or 6k+ ladder?

    Is around 9 wins in GC in a month better than playing 10 classic with 11-12 wins?

    What deck in the current meta be a good pick to aim for a 12 win in GC for average player.


    submitted by /u/akashmishra333
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    First Matchup Tree For ladder in 4k+. Feel free to use it as a guide on what deck to uppgrade!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:32 AM PST

    Tryna be a pain in the ass

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:50 PM PST

    Things to implement in future updates

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:04 AM PST

    Here are some things that the community has been asking for in no particular order:

    1. In game add friend button, like in COC. Also a "I don't want anymore requests button" in case you don't want to add anyone else (here)
    2. Seperate requests and trade tab. (here)
    3. Remove gem offers from the shop(like 250 gems for 5 epics) (here)
    4. Lower the legendary chest's quest points needed in order to unlock it or just rework the chest as a whole(here)
    5. Single player mode(here) . As a side note, this might help attract more new players into the game. At this point there is no doubt that the lower arenas are populated by bots and a few players.
    6. Fix this: here
    7. More deck slots (here)
    8. Ability to re-organize emotes properly
    9. Clan levels (here)

    Those were the most requested things by the community that I could think of. Here are some more things not as heavily requested, but I think most people would be happy with:

    1. King of the hill gamemode(here)

    2. Clan Boss gamemode like in Shadow Legends (here). Also CWA suggested this in a video

    3. Heroes (Supercell would figure the details out)

    4. Add another row with offers in the shop. Maybe let us order cards we want for an increased price?

    5. The ability to bookmark clans like in COC (here)

    6. More charitable actions like the Red Tower skin in 2016(here)

    7. CC and GC tickets

    8. Tower abilities

    9. You button (here)

    10. Revert the order of gold rush and crown rush. I think it would be more beneficial for everyone to first have a crown rush to complete the pass faster

    11. Some players got 15 or 16 wins in 20 win challenges,yet received no CRL badges for it. It's rather unfair since the 17+ win players got the badge and not the others. Getting 15 or 16 wins is quite remarkable as well.

    Now, I'm going to talk about some things we need clarifications on:

    1. Why are there no more gem rushes? We need an official answer from Supercell regarding this issue. We heard speculation, we even had an answer from a Support member. I personally want transparency even if that means a negative answer like we're never getting gem rushes ever again.

    2. Where are the epic chests? Personally, the last time I saw an epic chest in the shop was maybe 2 months ago.This is weird since they used to appear once every 2 weeks or something like that. I'm also not the only one experiencing this.

      1. Where are the ghost emotes? (here) You could see CRL players use them, so why are not they available to the public?

    Those were the things that it would be nice to be addressed by the dev team and create another list of ruled out/to be considered/in work ideas like we got a year ago. Now, I'm going to rant a little bit. Feel free to skip this part if you're not interested in my own opinion.

    First of all, I play since launch so I can say I got a pretty good perspective on the game as a whole. With that out of the way, please for the love of Chin-Chin STOP ADDING NEW CARDS. There is absolutely no rush to get 100 cards in the game. There are so much more pressing matters than adding new cards. We haven't gotten any new ground breaking feature for a very long time and there is no secret that the game is falling in popularity(check Google Trends). And no, having creatures being spawned behind your towers is not a new game mode.

    Also, why add more cards when you already have overly-underwhelming cards like elite barbarians, heal, witch, bomber, royal recruits, zappies, barbarian hut, rage in the game that need to be fixed? It just makes your process of balancing cards exponentially harder. When you are done fixing these cards, go on and add new ones.

    We are waiting for a clan wars remake for quite some time now. I'm aware that the team is working on it, but I really hope it's something fresh and ground-breaking. Remember the days of the clan chest when you had to do 2v2 matches with your clan mates in order to complete it? That sense of camaraderie should be present in the new clan wars system.

    I'm not sure if I'm not the only one, but I'm rather concerned with the game's future. The rising of Raid Shadow Legends along with the upcoming Wild Rift and Legends of Runeterra (2 new mobile games coming from Riot) will make CR fall behind in popularity even more. I'm not saying that the game will die, not by a long shot, only that it will lose a large proportion of the casual player base pool. Why would you, as a casual player, stick around for a stale game which had not added any new features in a long time, like CR, when there are fresh games with constant updates and new content just around the corner? Also, how many YouTubers are still covering CR? Not enough! This is always a bad sign.

    submitted by /u/Andreas00Tm13
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    I really love the game, and I really hate the people that play it

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST

    Name a free-to-play mobile game that offers a better overall level of enjoyment and entertainment than clash royale. I'll wait.

    With the nerf on witch I'm amazed at all the "outrage," crying, and verbal attacks on Drew and other developers. Remember the executioner? I haven't spent a lot of time on this sub, and I'm sure I havent missed a thing. This community is completely overpopulated with total pieces of shit. The type of people that cry emote at you the whole game and cry on reddit after that. Despite how shitty the people are that make up the clash royale fan base, it's still an amazing game! That alone says a lot about what a good job supercell is doing. If you said that you are deleting CR b/c if the nerf on witch, DO IT! We dont need you! Buhhh-bye!

    submitted by /u/hunt4redglocktober
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    9 straight wins with this on ladder... any suggestions for change???

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:30 PM PST

    Dude just gave up after this defense

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:57 PM PST

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