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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Clash Royale Supercell did an oopsie #WeNeedBalanceChanges

    Clash Royale Supercell did an oopsie #WeNeedBalanceChanges

    Supercell did an oopsie #WeNeedBalanceChanges

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Why does the cancel button even exist?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    Pfff pitiful rewards

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    I Finally decided to spend 1,700,000 of my gold savings and upgrade myself to King Level 13

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    [Idea] Spirit Knights! (Read Comments)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    Perfectly timed log gets wallbreakers to land and take e-barbs with them

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Huh, looks like jumping troops briefly register as flying.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    Another Inktober X Shocktober by schneiderpox in Instagram. Snowing Ice Golem

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    Mid ladder players thought process.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    Clash Royale Guide! The Ultimate Defense/Graveyard.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Clash Royale Guide! The Ultimate Defense/Graveyard.


    Hello everyone! The new meta is here, and like it or hate it. Supercell has refused to nerf any of the new OP cards. And since they have been talked about enough. I'm not going to be discussing how broken they are in this post. However, i as a Graveyard player. Have had a lot of fun with the "Ultimate Defense Deck." And i think it is under rated, as i haven't seen much of it. And it remains very useful in this meta.

    The Deck

    So first off. This deck is really versatile and defensive. And it's important to know that patience is key with this deck, as it can defend just about any push (including Elixir Golem.) But its even more important to know how to do so, which i will talk about later. So as of right now, here is the deck.

    The Deck (Don't mind the levels)

    Taking a look at the deck. It doesn't look that great, or good even. But that'd be where you're wrong. But to make the process of understanding the deck better. Lets take a look at the cards one by one


    Oh Graveyard... you've always been one of the most over looked cards in the game (In my opinion.) However that does not mean Graveyard is lacking in its abilities as a card. Graveyard is easily the best counter push card. As it is a spell that can deal a TON of damage if you're lacking the defensive tools.

    Now, Graveyard should only ever be used on a counter push with this deck, as over spending with it can easily lead to your opponent building up a huge counter push, as well as the fact your Graveyard can easily fall short of taking your opponents tower. Leaving your opponents defense as a possibly deadly offense. However this deck has one of the best defensive tools in the game, which is called the "Ice Nado" Which is simply using the Ice Wizard in combination with the Baby Dragon and Tornado.

    Heres the best ways to use Graveyard, as well as its best placements.

    Best Graveyard Placements And Tips

    Graveyard, being a spell. Can be placed anywhere in the arena. However some places are definitely better then others. And while there is only one really good Graveyard placement. Its still important to know it. Incase you ever play against Graveyard, and your opponent plays it incorrectly. As it will do reduced damage with incorrect placement.

    Correct Graveyard Placement

    Incorrect Graveyard Placement

    • Graveyard works well with Poison. When used with Poison correctly, and can kill any small troops your opponent plays on top of your Graveyard.
    • Barb Barrel, Graveyard works well as a surprise attack. As they are both spells that can be played quickly. However when doing this place Graveyard first, then Barb Barrel. We will be taking a more advanced look at this later.
    • Graveyard should only be done on counter attacks. Or when your have a huge elixir advantage and a tank.
    • Graveyard should only be played if you have a tank for it. Such as a Knight, Baby Dragon, or a Barb Barrel
    • When playing Graveyard. Always make sure to defend what your opponent plays. And aim for a 1-0 victory. As Graveyard has a disadvantage with your opponents king tower activated.
    • Graveyard should almost never be used on defense. Even if its a last resort, or if there is a Sparky. As Tombstone can help out with delaying Sparky. And Baby Dragon, Poison can kill one easily.

    Ice Wizard

    Now, its easy to see this card as lackluster. Considering he does very little damage on his own. But when combined with other defensive tools such as the Baby Dragon and Tornado. He can make an almost unstoppable defense.

    "So why is he so good?" You may ask. Well its defintley not the fact that he has a handlebar mustache that's too hot for TV. But more of the fact that he is a living opposite of a rage spell.

    The fact that he slows your entire push down by 35% is insane. And It's not hard to realize that if your opponents push is not attacking your defense. Then your defense is going to win 99% of the time, and clumping all of their push inside a Poison/Baby Dragon Tornado, easily defeats just about anything.

    The Ultimate Defense (20 seconds left against Golem)

    • One of the best defensive tools in the game.
    • Can kill entire Golem/Elixir Golem Pushes if used correctly (Such as above.)
    • Slows units attack and movement speed by 35%.
    • Low cost for a great effect.
    • Speaks Finnish. Says "Understand" Because he really wants to talk to someone who does.
    • Splash damage.

    Baby Dragon

    Easily one of the most balanced cards in the game, the Baby Dragon makes a cute, but deadly combo when combined with the Ice Wizard and Tornado.

    While there isn't too much special about the Baby Dragon. He is a great well rounded card, that can be used in almost any situation. Wether you need him for the ultimate defense. Or to counter something your opponent played. The Baby Dragon will always be there for you.

    • Used in the Ultimate Defense.
    • Very balanced card.
    • Splash damage.


    While the Knight, also commonly known as Johnathan. Isn't special in too many ways. He is a much needed part of this deck. And just like every other card in this deck, is hard to replace.

    The Knight is commonly used as a Defensive tool in this deck. Considering his high health and decent damage for a low cost.

    However, he is quite good with attacking on offense. As he can be dropped at the river with a Graveyard. However this is not advised, and should only be used when Barb Barrel/Graveyard isn't in cycle but Knight/Graveyard is.

    • Commonly used as a tank for Graveyard.
    • Can be solo dropped on almost every small unit for a positive trade.
    • Has an awesome mustache.
    • Can be a tank for the Ultimate Defense.


    Poison is one of the best cards in the game with a use rate of 50% and a win rate of 55%. While their isn't much special about Poison it can be used very well in this deck on defense, and offense.

    • When attacking with Graveyard, try to use Poison in combination with your counter push to kill anything small they might try to play.
    • Poison should always be used on a Witch placed in the back (if in cycle) As you can Barb barrel to finish it off. This also works with Wizard.
    • Poison can Kill Magic Archers.
    • If your facing Elixir Golem. And the opponents push is really big. Coat your "Ultimate Defense" with Poison to deal extra damage.


    Tornado is one of the best cards in the game. Being able to move your opponents troops anywhere you want is very powerful. And forcing a push to have a group hug while you throw ice and fire at them is especially satisfying.

    While Tornado could have an entire guide on its own. Here is some of the best situations to use it.

    • For the "Ultimate Defense."
    • In Many situations. Such as activating the King Tower. As seen below (Credit to its maker!)

    Best placements (Made by u/Fierylizard03)


    While the Tombstone could possibly be replaced by the Bomb Tower. I feel it is much better considering this deck has no small swarm cards.

    While their isn't much special besides the disco dance party going on inside. Tombstone is very useful for pulling just about anything to it. As its trail of skeletons will lead anything right to it.

    • Can be used as a distraction for the Elixir Golem, or other tanks.
    • Will lead any melee attacker right to it.
    • Can distract Sparky for a long time.
    • Contains the spookiest memes, and the hardest raves.

    Barb Barrel

    Barb Barrel still remains a very viable card after its nerf. Holding on to a 11% use rate and a 55% win rate. And while the log could be a good choice. Barb Barrel is a much better choice in this decks situation.

    Unlike the Log. the Barb Barrel spawns a single Barbarian when it finishes rolling. Which can be useful in many situations. Such as:

    • Being a tank for Graveyard. Since Barb Barrel is a spell. It can be used to instantly set up a push when combined with Graveyard, however. This should only be used in double elixir or with a huge elixir advantage
    • Finishing off a Witch/other small troop. As the Barrel can finish them off if they were previously Poisoned.

    The Barrel also works well with killing any small swarm units. Such as Goblin from a Goblin Barrel. As well as Skeletons.


    Overall this deck is great on defense. And if used properly can stop almost every push. However this is still a High Skill deck. And it requires lots of practice to use it effectively.

    However this deck like many others does still lose. And it also has its bad matchups, mainly being fast cycle decks. As this deck is not very fast. However it is still possible to win these matchups if played correctly. Here is a few of these match ups.

    • Hog cycle. While its very clear that Hog is a very good card, with solid hp and good damage. It doesn't stand much of a chance if you save your Tombstone for it. As well as using Tornado to pull it to your king tower.
    • Bait. Bait is a very fast and cheap cycle deck, and since are deck only uses 3 troops. Its easy to be over whelmed. However, if you save your Barb Barrel for their Goblin Barrel. And save Poison for a huge Graveyard push. It can be defeated.

    Other then these two decks. We often have good match ups against most meta decks. As well as a solid win rate. And considering how meta the Elixir Golem is. It's nice to serve up some sweet, cold justice.

    Anyways. I hope this helps you all in your meta endeavors. And as always... stay spooky!

    submitted by /u/MegaBanditX
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    Anyone else want trade tokens in the shop? I constantly don’t have tokens to trade but if they were in the shop...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    This is cursed

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    I made the witch, can anyone tell lol

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    How to defend with bandit in one picture

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Nice matchmaking supercell

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    So the hog rider can now decide??!!!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    What have I done??!! Been playing since launch never had a problem and i have no clue why this has happened. What the ****

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Maybe we are overreacting?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    title. ive seen all the complaints about wallbreakers, witch, and elixir golem (and tho i do agree witch needs to be toned down) but honestly this is what happens in games; changes come along and some things that were S tier and pertinent become B tier or less. cards that werent all that great before start to really shine again (ex. bowler, dp, lightning). and YES i know super cell is out here touching things that maybe "shouldnt" be touched over things that desperately need a thorough looking at (ex. zappies, heal, ebarbs) HOWEVER i was really thinking ab whats been going on recently with things like the buff to bomber, the buff to executioner, the buff to witch..WHAT IF they give hunter and musk a mean buff as well? think about it cus wizard and fisherman are already in good places right now even considering the recent nerfs to fm. that way we got a set of new fresh relatively equal strength glass-cannons.

    feel free to downvote if you truly disagree but as someone that likes the changes and is a bit tired of the negative energy plaguing the thread recently i wanted to maybe bring a different perspective to the the discussion. please let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/HiGHROLLER_CR
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    Any suggestions on this deck? It's been quite lackluster in-game, so I'd like to know what others think of it.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    A reasonable balance to the witch:

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Keep the skeletons close to the witch after spawning, so that splashes can still splash the witch. Splashes are the main witch counter, but the skeletons are so far away that even a wizard's ridiculous splash radius can't reach, so the witch walks up unharmed and kills anything while they are distracted with the skeletons.

    submitted by /u/Boatymcboatland
    [link] [comments]

    Who wouldn't want such a spectacular deal?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    New card idea: check comments

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Card Concept: The Stink

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:48 PM PDT

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