• Breaking News

    Monday, October 7, 2019

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] CLASH ROYALE SEASON 4: SHOCKTOBER 🎃 Release Notes & Discussion Thread

    Clash Royale [OFFICIAL] CLASH ROYALE SEASON 4: SHOCKTOBER �� Release Notes & Discussion Thread

    [OFFICIAL] CLASH ROYALE SEASON 4: SHOCKTOBER �� Release Notes & Discussion Thread

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:04 AM PDT

    [OFFICIAL] CLASH ROYALE SEASON 4: SHOCKTOBER 🎃 Release Notes & Discussion Thread


    A full moon rises over the Royale kingdom, and strange things are afoot. Celebrate our Spooky Season with Shocktober!



    This Tower Skin won't turn to mush by November!

    • Exclusive Season 4 Jack-o'-lantern Tower Skin & Shocktober Emote!
    • 35 Pass Royale Reward Tiers to unlock!
    • 35 Free Reward Tiers to unlock!
    • NEW Bonus Bank!


    Elixir! It's a river of Elixir!

    A meteor has crashed into Legendary Arena, unleashing the Elixir Golem and creating a unique spooky setting for Season 4!


    Does anyone speak Golem?

    The Elixir Golem has been unleashed this Shocktober Season! It is a brand new, building targeting, 3-cost Rare card that will be available to unlock in Spooky Town.


    Elixir Golem is a unique card that gives you the damage and health of an 8-cost card... for just 3 Elixir!

    Once destroyed, Elixir Golem splits into 2 Elixir Golemites, which split into 4 Elixir Blobs.

    BUT \plot twist**

    Once an Elixir Blob is destroyed, it gives 1 Elixir to your opponent!


    • Unlock Elixir Golem in a Challenge on Friday 11th October!
    • Play with Elixir Golem in a Draft Challenge, as soon as the Season starts!




    Goblin Bride, anyone?

    Keep an eye out for brand new Shocktober Emotes in the Shop and Special Challenges!


    Share the love!

    Whenever someone in your Clan activates Pass Royale - a gift will be placed into the Clan Chat!

    • Pass Royale Clan Gifts can be claimed by everyone in the Clan!
    • Your King level affects the amount of Gold you can claim (up to 500 gold per gift).
    • You can collect up to 10 gifts!

    Note: You can't receive a gift if you join a Clan after Pass Royale was activated, and the gift sent to that Clan. This is to deter Clan-hopping solely to grab gifts!


    You won't need to blow the bloody doors off this one.

    We've added a new feature for you to keep earning rewards AFTER completing your Pass Royale Reward Tiers.

    Meet the BONUS BANK!

    After you complete all Reward Tiers, every 10 crowns you collect will net you 250 Bonus Bank Gold. The maximum Gold you can earn towards your Bonus Bank is 10 000.

    Your Bonus Bank Gold can be claimed when the Season ends!


    FREE Pass Royale Rewards - Crowns now stack!

    Your Crowns will no longer be capped at 10 per day - you can earn as many Crowns as you want on any Reward Tier, and they will be carried over throughout the Season!

    You can still only unlock 1 Reward Tier per day, but this will provide a nice benefit if you're on a Crown earning streak!


    You earn 20 Crowns in 1 day. You can unlock your Reward Tier for that day, but will have to log back in to unlock the next Reward Tier on the next day - but you don't have to worry about earning another 10 Crowns to unlock it!


    Crown Quests allow you to earn rewards in stages, throughout a Season! As you progress through your Crown Quests, they get tougher - but the rewards get bigger!

    These Quests allow you a new way to earn Crowns for Pass Royale.





    • Hitpoints: -12%
    • Damage: +220%
    • Hit Speed: -40%
    • Splash: -45%


    Changes to spawned Skeletons

    • Spawns 4 skeletons around the Witch
    • Spawn Time slower 5sec > 7sec
    • No longer spawns Skeletons when destroyed


    Night Witch

    • Bats spawned when destroyed: 2 > 4

    Wall Breakers

    • Elixir cost: 3 > 2
    • Damage: -10%
    • Mass: +100%


    • Damage: -6%
    • Hitpoints: -5%


    • Damage: +2%


    • Knockback: -17%



    You will have the choice to choose from a selection of spooky cards for your Trophy Road rewards this month, so take a look! If you don't like the look of the guaranteed card, you can try your luck for a random choice of the same amount & rarity.

    We have moved some rewards around - no Gems have been removed! We have split the 100 Gems from previous Seasons across both lower and higher Trophy rewards, and also shifted some other rewards down to a slightly lower position, to ensure that more players can benefit from Trophy Road rewards overall.

    Read a more in-depth post on this here.




    • Triple Elixir
    • Classic Decks
    • Double Elixir Draft


    • Draft
    • Rage




    We hope you enjoy the new Shocktober Season!

    Stay spooky,

    The Clash Royale Team

    submitted by /u/Supercell_Drew
    [link] [comments]

    "Don't ignore Sparky" A Clash Royale animation made in Minecraft. This took quit a bit of effort so I hope you like it!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    A Pekka i made for my boyfriends birthday

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    Where's the 100 gems trophy road reward? You can't trick me, I want 100 gems not 40 wtf supercell

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:54 AM PDT

    Shouldn’t it probably show how many of each card I already have? (Season rewards)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:22 AM PDT

    Expert beatdown guide to pushing past 4k

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    Playing against 2.9 X-Bow be like

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    The three stages of grieving

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:05 PM PDT

    Bandit being sneaky as per usual

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    In my oppinion everything should be purple or just blue..

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    No white flag emote? No problem!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    Dont you just love it when it works? (Shocktober edition)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    New pass royale perk where you can turn on auto request every 7 hours and pick a specific card to request

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    It can be done lads

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Probably my biggest clutch in history

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    I Love the new loading screen!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    [Humor] this picture of april 2017 is so fake... a elixer monster would never come to the game... wait

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Add football helmets back to ebarbs in touchdown

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Okay, Thanx

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    All rewards from those challenges.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    Elixer Golem Full Analysis (New Archetypes)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    I am no math geek, but i understand the Elixir Golem mechanic.

    Main Aspect of the card

    • The overall cost of Elixir Golem is 7
    • Initial deployment is 3
    • Then adding +4 (that if they try to counter it with the same elixir "3") trade for the enemy's AFTER KILLING IT. and that is excluding the survival of their troops.

    Basically in total, you get the same health as a mother golem, that is generally faster on avg, and its great vs splash or 1 hit units, but no death damage, but the /DPS is higher , but lasts shorter. which all these are the significant variable to be balanced for this golem.

    Why some people think its OP? i personally think it is not op, but definitely on the strong side, but unless you can defend a push vs an Elixir golem, you will have higher chance on winning the game than your opponent.

    The main strategy you trying to accomplish is to destroy enemy's towers before the end of the match, because if they defend, you have to defend like a pro, and try to gain a positive elixir trade when defending.

    How to defend? a mix of splash/ high rate DPS and 1 high hit damage is the best counter, including swarms, which have high dps. high firerate. which is the best support unit to counter the elixir golem? Witch and Executioner, and skarmy is the best card to counter the elixir golem, bats, minion horde and gob gang come after .(OJ video)


    • Very Cheap
    • High damage
    • Hard to counter
    • Very Tanky
    • Enemy's will only gain the +4 trade (Counting if they counter it with 3), after killing it, which saves you time to build elixir to defend.


    • Risky as Hell
    • Enemy's will always gain elixir after killing it, which will put them on the elixir lead
    • There units will always be unharmed (unless supported)

    Understanding the card for Future:The Archetypes are basically risk taking or Dare Devil, few examples:

    (New Archetypes ideas)

    • Quick and cheap beat down , massive push for much cheaper. with the elixer golem, and with possible cheaper support units.
    • Rush, Taking enemy tower quickly, with few counters and very high chance to take a tower, with spending the whole 10 elixer (unless EXI nado -_-),
    • Elixir golem Cycle, that includes double lane Pressure.
    • Last second wins., defending whole match, and generally 1 push win in the end of the match (sudden death).

    This card works very well with few pre existed archetypes, such as:

    • Bridge spam (its hard to defend, will grantee damage vs any card), so its a punishing card.
    • Grave yard, insane tank ability for grave yard, even if the units and tower re-target to skelly, the amount of this to skill is so much, not a single card can prevent any damage from this.
    • 3M, uses bridge spam mostly, but for 3 elixir, you can tank for a hard to kill very high dps units.
    • Balloon, tanks so well for balloon at start, and guarantees damage, unless enemy's have witch or exi, which will give them a massive positive elixir trade.
    • Double lane Pressure, Because its very cheap, you can now easily create double lane pressure.


    • 3M will come back, very strong and well, which also returns double lane pressure and fireball bait.
    • Rush will be OP, not because it needs balancing, but no one knows how to counter it. and its very based on your and your opponent cycle.
    • Bridge spam, will be back better and stronger, but possible no longer with pekka.
    • Splash yard will be the dominating defensively deck
    • Executioner will be the strongest card in game, nado as a spell, also witch will become meta and fairly strong.
    • Rip classic Beat downs. unless special new ones.
    • Royale recruits will become meta for the first time, due to the defense and double lane pressure.
    • Xbow will become slightly stronger, but with new variations, possibly rip 2.9?

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading it, i have spent 2 hours writing and testing the card, so i hope i may helped you. if you wonna add anything or i have missed somethings, please mention it, and no need for arguing about opinions.

    This post is only related for the new card, i know wall breakers will also become a meta card, but all the metas mentioned include elixer golem.

    Any ideas, tips or strategies are welcomed.

    Edit: Forgot to mention Elixer golem is a win condition, but can be paired up with other win conditions, well, it aint a defensive card at all, mostly offensive, but also not as versatile as a miner, as a win condition.

    submitted by /u/IM_User
    [link] [comments]

    The Virgin "Free to Play" vs the CHAD PAY TO WIN [Humor]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    No sound but Jesus I feel bad for this guy I might or might not put the deck up you guys want/need it but I personally got a good chuckle from this

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    Am I the only one feeling really laggy just playing clash royale? Every other app is smooth, but clash royale is laggy

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Chest Stress

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    I'm just going to leave this here... #needlesscensorship

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

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