• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 29, 2019

    Clash Royale Thought he was playing golem :/

    Clash Royale Thought he was playing golem :/

    Thought he was playing golem :/

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    Clone Goblin

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    Finished up some fan art of the night witch since Halloween is almost here! Hope you like it! (OC) (Fanart)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Now that we have tower skins we should be able to get our aid skin for donating 5 dollars back

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Card intelligence tier list (doesn't have Fisherman because tierlistmaker.com only had outdated versions)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    Idea of Clash Royale game mode : “4 players Free For All”

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    [IDEA] Shouldn’t have to pay for all 3 cards cost...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 12:35 PM PDT

    Wall Breaker

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    We should be able to double tap on a deck slot to “flag” the deck slot so whenever you go into a game that is not casual (2v2/casual challenges w/ no losses), it will ask you to confirm the deck before entering the match. You would double tap a flagged deck to change it back to normal.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    I tried making Night Witch Pop Art

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    [effort post]The Problem of being 2. [Elite barbarians and Wall breakers]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    I'm gonna be talking mostly of elite barbarians, but it will make sense to compare and contrast to wall breakers in your head.

    When people look at elite barbarians, the #1 thing people tend to highlight is the fact that they are so fast inducing too much bridge spam. Another thing is that they live too long and deal too much damage due to overlevelling. While these all may be true problems with the card, people don't talk enough about another stat: their count. It doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it, until you look at it and how it affects the balance of the card as a whole.

    What it does is make Elite barbarians a card made of 2 light mini tanks, taking double damage from splash while still being trashed by high point damage. It makes them not disposable unlike guards or goblin gang, nor tanking type units like knight and prince. you especially don't want them to take damage considering you may lose 1 of them, reducing the damage output of the card to 50%.

    This leads to the second part of the story. if we were to follow what seth said about swarm cards, Elite barbarians should do high immediate damage, and lose damage as they are picked off. But a 50% leap is rather large fluctuation in damage and hard to balance out. It isn't like how barbarians go by 100%,80%,60%,40%,20%. It also isn't like how prince would do a consistent 100%. For half of the time, a 6 elixir card gives you 100% damage output, then a 50% for the other half. So, at tournament standard, what would be a fair damage output for this card? A rather high but not too high 100%, but also not too low 50%.

    And so here is where over levelling then becomes a major problem. Over levelling is a 10% increase in damage and hp. Bomber does do splash damage to them, but they are still mini tanks, so they live for longer than, say, guards would. And dps-ing them down with archers and musketeer is harder than before unless you are using mini pekka or pekka. With the increased hp, they give you their 100% for longer than before, and considering they are mini tanks, they will be tougher to pick off compared to a minion horde or goblins.

    WALL BREAKERS also have the exact problem. They get more or less destroyed by everything and if they got a straight up buff you basically make them more resistant to everything. They also lose 50% if one is picked off, but you don't want their 100% to be too strong too because of their fair amount of tankiness.

    I think that the simple way to put it would be that two unit cards are both a single unit card and a swarm card, thus an increase in stats would simply make them uncounterable. Evidence to this is seen in how they are in the ladder environment. That is why they are such a hard card to balance.

    submitted by /u/NOOBERSAYLOL
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    Seriously? Look at these fat stacks of gold omg

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:59 PM PDT

    Never lose hope yall

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    This was from a month ago during the triple elixer challenge, thought you guys might appreciate this

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    won by milliseconds !!! this win put me 23-4 on the global tourney ;)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    this is why you never bm too early ;)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    New Concept for a clash Royale Card

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    I was talking with a dad, and he came up with an idea for another electric card.

    His name would be "Wolf-e" and as you can guess he is a wolf that has an electric bite to him.

    Don't know what his health would be, but since he would move fast, maybe put him at 3 elixir.

    If you guys want this idea to happen like the post so Drew or Seth are able to see it!

    Thanks guys! ;)

    submitted by /u/Lemens_GG
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    This idiot BMing from the beginning gets cocky and gets his ass handed to him.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    I hate when this happens

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:44 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:51 PM PDT

    I think this is my first post so please be friendly if I don't know how the Reddit system works :)

    If you have any questions, feel free to comment.



    I'm posting this on the Clash Royale subreddit because there are more people who can see this but I'm also going to cross post this on the Rush Wars subreddit as well, feel free to jump to the game that is relevant to you (from Rush Wars and Clash Royale). Sorry to Clash of Clans players, I played that such a long time ago that I don't even know how the trophy system works. I'll do a Brawl Stars one if you guys want me to (comment on this post), but it is really difficult (550 trophies for brawlers and stuff).

    Summary of formulas you'll see below:

    Clash Royale:

    CRITICAL VALUE: (Total Just After Reset) - 4000

    Number of Trophies Per Season = (Trophy Target - 4000) / (2 - 2^(1-m))

    Rush Wars:

    CRITICAL VALUE: (Total Just After Reset) - 3000

    Number of Trophies Per Season = (Star Target - 3000) / (2 - 2^(1-n))

    Ok, so everyone keeps on going on about strategy and stuff, but something that rarely gets mentioned is the trophy/ star reset, which is actually a very important factor in pushing stars/ trophies. I'll start by defining an important value: the critical value (which I'll calculate a formula for in the next paragraph), which is the number of trophies or stars that you need to push in a season, directly after a season reset, with the reset subtracting 50% of all of your stars/ trophies that are above a certain base value (3000 in Rush Wars and 4000 in Clash Royale). The critical value is important because if you push under that number, the next season rest will put you under the number of trophies/ points that you were on, just before the reset. Below are formulas for the respective games (do note that you need to know how simple algebra works and you might want to reread them slowly to understand these :p):

    note that the words are mostly the same for Rush Wars and Clash Royale, but the numbers are different, so you don't have to read the same thing twice.

    Clash Royale:

    CRITICAL VALUE: (Total Just After Reset) - 4000.

    Derivation: You were on 4000+x trophies, just before the reset, which means you are on 4000+(x/2) trophies just after the reset (right now). The critical value is (x/2), or your number of trophies (just after the season reset) minus 4000. This number is the minimum that you need to push in this season (which just started) to ensure that the next reset doesn't put you under 4000+(x/2) or the number of trophies that you started with last season (just before the previous reset).

    Here is how it works: assuming that you want to push so that you always gain trophies, if you gain less than x/2 trophies, your total at the end of the season (which is two weeks in Rush Wars) will be <(4000+x), which means that after the reset your trophies will be <(4000+(x/2)), less than the number that you ended on before the previous reset: 4000+(x/2). So you should always push larger than or equal to the critical value. If you push exactly the critical value, your total will be 4000+x, and so the next reset will bring you back to 4000+(x/2), which was what you started off with. Now, if you push more trophies than your critical value, the next reset will put you higher than what you started off with last season, which is what you want. The critical value only applies to the players who are already above 4000 and is the minimum number that they need to push in the next season to not get reset under what the started off with last season.

    BUT TO THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THEY CAN JUST KEEP ON PUSHING, THERE IS A PROBLEM: the trophy reset actually PHYSICALLY LIMITS the number of trophies that you can gain, even though it doesn't seem like it. Clash Royale has a trophy reset that seemingly only cuts off half of your trophies, meaning that you can keep on pushing. BUT WHAT MOST PLAYERS DON'T NOTICE is that the next reset cuts 50% off what you pushed before as well, leaving you with 25% of the trophies that you pushed in the first season. If you do some calculations (involving a Geometric Progression), you'll see this:

    Since there is always a first time that you go over 4000, we can take that as a start, to simplify calculations. Assume that you push x trophies each season, then in the first season, you get to 4000+x, before you get reset again, to 4000+(x/2). Now if you push x trophies every season (which right now is larger than the critical value of (x/2)), just before the second reset, you'll be on 4000+(3x/2), then you'll be reset to 4000+(3x/4).

    If we generalise this, we get: Just before a season ends you'll be on 4000+2x-(x*(2^(1-m))) trophies, where m is the number of the season (you start off on 4000 on the first season, the reset hasn't come yet). Just after a season reset, you'll be on 4000+x-(x*(2^(-m))). I know that it looks complicated, but if you know about Geometric Progressions, you will see that as m gets larger, your highest trophies will be ALWAYS UNDER 4000+2x, because as m approaches infinity, 1-m approaches negative infinity, 2^(1-m) approaches 0 (from the right-hand side so it's always positive), so it is always 4000+2x minus a little bit. This is the trick of the trophy reset, as it gives a false impression that you can always push forward, but you eventually reach a limit to how much you can push each season, resulting in a limit to the maximum number of trophies that you can get (4000 plus two times the amount that you push each season) and a massive waste of your time.

    I have also included a formula for you to calculate how much you need to push in a season to reach a maximum trophy target:

    Number of Trophies Per Season = (Trophy Target - 4000) / (2 - 2^(1-m))

    Where m is the number of seasons that you intend to push to the target by.

    OK, that was long, now onto Rush Wars, which is exactly the same, but with 3000 instead of 4000, and stars instead of trophies. There really isn't a need to read the same thing again, but you can if you want :)

    Rush Wars:

    CRITICAL VALUE: (Total Just After Reset) - 3000.

    Derivation: You were on 3000+x stars, just before the reset, which means you are on 3000+(x/2) stars just after the reset (right now). The critical value is (x/2), or your number of stars (just after the season reset) minus 3000. This number is the minimum that you need to push in this season (which just started) to ensure that the next reset doesn't put you under 3000+(x/2) or the number of stars that you started with last season (just before the previous reset).

    Here is how it works: assuming that you want to push so that you always gain stars, if you gain less than x/2 stars, your total at the end of the season (which is two weeks in Rush Wars) will be <(3000+x), which means that after the reset your stars will be <(3000+(x/2)), less than the number that you ended on before the previous reset: 3000+(x/2). So you should always push larger than or equal to the critical value. If you push exactly the critical value, your total will be 3000+x, and so the next reset will bring you back to 3000+(x/2), which was what you started off with. Now, if you push more stars than your critical value, the next reset will put you higher than what you started off with last season, which is what you want. The critical value only applies to the players who are already above 3000 and is the minimum number that they need to push in the next season to not get reset under what the started off with last season.

    BUT TO THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THEY CAN JUST KEEP ON PUSHING, THERE IS A PROBLEM: the trophy reset actually PHYSICALLY LIMITS the number of stars that you can gain, even though it doesn't seem like it. Rush Wars has a star reset that seemingly only cuts off half of your stars, meaning that you can keep on pushing. BUT WHAT MOST PLAYERS DON'T NOTICE is that the next reset cuts 50% off what you pushed before as well, leaving you with 25% of the trophies that you pushed in the first season. If you do some calculations (involving a Geometric Progression), you'll see this:

    Since there is always a first time that you go over 3000, we can take that as a start, to simplify calculations. Assume that you push x stars each season, then in the first season, you get to 3000+x, before you get reset again, to 3000+(x/2). Now if you push x stars every season (which right now is larger than the critical value of (x/2)), just before the second reset, you'll be on 3000+(3x/2), then you'll be reset to 3000+(3x/4).

    If we generalise this, we get: Just before a season ends you'll be on 3000+2x-(x*(2^(1-n))) stars, where n is the number of the season (you start off on 3000 on the first season, the reset hasn't come yet). Just after a season reset, you'll be on 3000+x-(x*(2^(-n))). I know that it looks complicated, but if you know about Geometric Progressions, you will see that as n gets larger, your highest stars will be ALWAYS UNDER 3000+2x, because as n approaches infinity, 1-n approaches negative infinity, 2^(1-n) approaches 0 (from the right-hand side so it's always positive), so it is always 3000+2x minus a little bit. This is the trick of the star reset, as it gives a false impression that you can always push forward, but you eventually reach a limit to how much you can push each season, resulting in a limit to the maximum number of stars that you can get (3000 plus two times the amount that you push each season) and a massive waste of your time.

    I have also included a formula for you to calculate how much you need to push in a season to reach a maximum star target:

    Number of Stars Per Season = (Star Target - 3000) / (2 - 2^(1-n))

    Where n is the number of seasons that you intend to push to the target by.

    OK, that was long, comment if this helped and if you want to see a Brawl Stars Equivalent.

    :) Bye!!!

    submitted by /u/PhazedOutYT
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    No clash royale, this kind of offers are not making me or anyone excited to get ready for shocktober .... i hope that they will not ruin the hype for the next season!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    This is for u/Goblin-guru

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:01 AM PDT

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